Using Translanguaging to support the acquisition of English
Why is it important to use Translanguaging to support pedagogy?

Educators should cultivate positive conversations about culture and invite multilingual students to use their home languages as a resource to learn English, so students have an understanding of what they are doing and express their knowledge in various ways.
What does it mean to use translanguaging in the classroom?

Translanguaging to support pedagogy promotes additive bilingualism and biliteracy so students can achieve academic grade levels and prepare them for advanced placement by providing equity access to all subject areas. Also, translanguaging promotes diversity, interaction, and inclusion by embracing students’ cultures and languages in the classrooms while implementing the acquisition of the target language.
How does not using translanguaging in the classroom affect students' acquisition of English?
Teachers who do not include translanguaging as part of their lectures impede students from expressing their knowledge. Students can also feel excluded from the classroom activities due to the lack of communication resources provided. Similarly, students struggle to understand, interpret, and decode subject materials. Also, teachers who do not incorporate translanguaging as part of their lecture subtract students' first language, which can cause conflict during the acquisition of the target language and struggle to assimilate and adapt to the new culture.